what is ongoing enrollment and how does it work?
2024/2025 Enrollment is NOW OPEN!
Click this link to see available classes.
We want to make your experience as easy as possible! Ongoing enrollment means that you can join or cancel anytime. Monthly tuition is calculated by taking the total number of classes from September 2024 to May 2025 and dividing it into 9 equal automatic monthly installments.
Upon registration your credit card will be billed a non refundable $25 registration/clerical fee which will secure your child's spot. Tuition will be processed on the first of each month thereafter beginning Sept 1st 2024 through May 1st 2025.
The monthly tuition fee does not represent a certain number of classes per month; rather, it represents a TOTAL number of classes for the school year. While most months do have 4 classes there may occasionally be a month with 3 or 5 classes depending on how the calendar falls.
For the best experience and value, we hope you can join us for the entire season but we understand that is not always possible. You may enroll or cancel at any time however, written notice by email is required by the 20th of the month to avoid being charged the following monthly installment.
What's Included:
Award winning curriculum delivered by a passionate and knowledgeable instructor
Unlimited make up classes provided you are currently enrolled. (Foundations, Level 1, Level 2 and Mixed Ages)
Exclusive content on the Kindermusik App which included tons of music, e-books and more.
Priceless memories
The 2024/2025 Session begins Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024 and ends Saturday, May 31st 2025. *Enrollment opens May 31, 2024.